Reading 1 Is 50:4-7; Reading II Phil 2:6-11; Gospel Mk 14:1-15:47 or 15:1-39
The Way: His Way or Our Own?
People take palm branches and go out to meet him, and cry out: “Hosanna!”Blessed is he who comes
in the name of the Lord.”
Meanwhile, some plan to kill Him and yet a woman anoints Him with perfumed oil, anticipating the burial. Even among the disciples, there are those who promise to follow Him, and those who betray Him. Some accept what’s happening; some make selfish interpretations.
We often say that Jesus took a rough and lonely journey in the desert. However, it was what we presented
to Him. The reason He humbled Himself and accepted it was to show us that He loves us nonetheless. He wants us to humbly repent of our sins and walk with Him. Have we accepted His invitation to walk beside Him, or have we run away toward our own way?
‘Long Gospel’, ‘Short Sermon’ – Are they reflecting His way?
Do we feel the pain Jesus felt when He said, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”
We often hear or say “Why me?” But “Why not me?” Would it be too cruel to respond like that?
It would be, if all we want is the glory of the Cross, and not the passion of the Way of the Cross.
Accepting ‘Suffering’ is never an easy task; it was not easy for Job, and it is not easy for us. It is far
from our failure; it is a mystery that leads our life to perfection. No one likes suffering, but we cannot
avoid it either. It is a sign He sends for us to stay with Him in faith.