Home vocation Lecture by Fr. Foeckler (May 15, 2015)

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      Date: 5/15/15                Place: St. Paul HaSang Church (Des Plaines)

      SPEAKER: Fr. Foeckler        TOPIC: 40 days after Easter (Ascension of Christ)


      Fr. Foeckler started with asking a question.

      Where is Jesus?

      Children replied….

      1) everywhere

      2) in heaven

      3) in our hearts

      4) in eucharist (body and blood)

      After Jesus’resurrection, many people have seen him in His glorified body.

      He stayed on earth for 40 days and ascended into heaven.

      Ascension Day is forty days after Easter (always on a Thursday), but is most often 

      celebrated on the Seventh Sunday of Easter. Jesus met several times with his disciples during these forty days after his Resurrection to instruct them on how to carry out his teachings.

      Jesus tells disciples that they will receive the power of the Holy Spirit and that they will spread his message throughout the world. Then on the fortieth day Jesus took the 

      disciples to the Mount of Olives, where they watched Jesus ascend into heaven. This is affirmed by Christians in the Apostles’ Creed and the Nicene Creed.   -Bible Basics

      Fr. Foeckler continues explaining that we will have great sadness and problems in this world.
      But when we see Jesus, we will rejoice forever.
      Before He ascended (taken up to heaven), Jesus gave a great commission.


      And because of that commission, church exists to evangelize with the power of the Holy Spirit.


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