Home vocation Lecture by Fr. Foeckler (March 23, 2017) – Annunciation/Word became flesh

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      DATE:          3/23/2017                                    PLACE:    St. Paul Hasang Church
      (Des Plaines)

      SPEAKER:  Fr. Foeckler, Miles
       Annunciation / Word becomes flesh


      In catholic calendar, it is separated into three major events.

      1) Easter

      2) Christmas

      3) Annunciation


      Fr. Foeckler briefly discussed the Easter and Christmas and started
      focusing on the Annunciation.


                                                                   Image result for annunciation images

       The Annunciation is when the angel Gabriel visits the
      Virgin Mary, during which he told her that she would be the 
      mother of Jesus
      Christ, the Son of God.
       It is celebrated
      on 25th of
       March each year.


      ” Let it be done to me according to your Word” – Mary’s response
      to Angel Gabriel.


      The “Word” becomes flesh,  which means God became man….it is also
      called Incarnation.

      Incarnation and Annunciation is one of the Feast of Solemnity.


      Fr. Foeckler shared his favorite scene* from the  Passion of  Christ (movie directed by Mel Gibson) which on 

      the 4th Station of the Cross when Jesus meets his mother, Mary says ” I am
      here” and Jesus replies ” I make

      all things new”.  Jesus’ reply ” I make all things
      new” is mentioned in Revelation 21:5. 

      It is a HOPEFUL expression to all of

      (*This scene is not mentioned in the bible however, the movie gives an idea
      of what could have been spoken 

      when Jesus encountered Mary.)


      As Jesus did, we must take up our cross and follow Him.

      We must do what the disciples did. We must imitate them.

      We must ’embrace’ our cross and accept it willingly, no whining, no complaining.

      If possible, try to be happy and be peaceful with it, for the sake of the cross, offer it up to the Lord.


      “If you wish to be my disciple, you must deny yourself and take up
      your cross and follow me”

                               -Matt 16:24, Mark 8:34

      “If you wish to be my disciple, you must deny yourself and take up
      your cross DAILY and follow me”
                                                    -Luke 9:23



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