1/22/2016 6:30pm
PLACE: St. Paul Hasang Church (Des Plaines) |
SPEAKER: Fr. Foeckler TOPIC: Mercy |
Fr. Foeckler started out with
introducing this year as the Extra Ordinary Year- Year of Mercy. |
As Pope Francis declared from
December 8, 2015-November 26, 2016 to be the YEAR OF MERCY, |
we reflect on St. Pope John
Paul II who said “Mercy is the
goodness of God shown to us in our need”. |
Fr. Foeckler asked the
children what they thought of when they think of God. |
Children replied…. God is Merciful, Holy, Our Father, Saviour,
Full of Love. |
What is God/Who is God? God is Good and He is Love. |
God’s name in Hebrew is
written YHWH= Yahweh |
Jesus is written as Yeshua
which defines as God (Ye) is Savior (Shua) |
Savior is who saves His people
from their sins. |
Therefore, who Jesus is…is who
God is.
Mark 2:1 Some men came bringing to him a paralyzed man, carried by four of them…..
When Jesus saw their faith, He said to the paralyzed man, “Son, your sins are forgiven.” |
When we go to confession, we make peace with God and church BUT we MUST confess in our heart first. |
There we will see God’s Mercy….forgiveness of our sins. |
Amen. |