Fr. Foeckler started out talking about what
Apostolic Tradition is.
Basically it means continuing
the tradition of what Apostles Did.
(Apostolic tradition is the transmission of
the message of Jesus Christ, though the ages, brought about from the beginning
of Christianity by means of preaching, bearing witness, institutions, worship,
and inspired writings.
The apostles transmitted or the received from Christ and
live and by the Holy Spirit to their successors, the bishops,
and through them
all generations to the ends of the earth. …..ref. CCC 75-79, 83, 96, 98)
St. Ignatius of Antioch
who died in 108 A.D. wrote many letters recognizing the church as
“Catholic Church”.
As we, the Catholic Church
continuing the Tradition of the Apostles this Lent Season, we again try to
our lives in the 40days of Lent.
It is a journey to prepare
the Paschal Mystery (Last Supper, Crucifixion, Resurrection)
Also Holy Triduum (Holy
Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Sunday)
Because Sin is Infinite (unlimited,
never ending), and Man is Finite (limited),
It took Jesus, who is Man (limited)
and God (unlimited, never ending) to pardon sin.
Just as Jesus who got
baptized and went to desert to pray and fast, during this season of
Imitate Jesus and follow Him
Pray, fast, alms giving
Make up for our sins to prepare for Easter
Make up for the sins for the whole world
– Fast (moderate food intake, or to deny
– Alms Giving (to give to the poor)