Home Mass Easter Sunday: The Resurrection of the Lord 4-12-09

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      Reading 1 Acts 10:34a, 37-43
      Reading II Col 3:1-4 or I Cor 5:6b-8
      Gospel Jn 20:1-9 or Mk 16:1-7 or Lk 24:13-35

      Rising from the Dead

      Peter and the other disciple whom Jesus loved run to the tomb where Jesus was laid, upon hearing the news from Mary Magdalene. Peter arrives after the other disciple, maybe because he was older, but maybe because his heart was heavy with guilt for having betrayed Jesus. He was probably hopeful, yet still in the midst of confusion and despair. If Peter saw Jesus there, he would have confessed that he was a coward and a betrayer. But Jesus knew it was fear that caused Peter do what he did. Peter betrayed Jesus because he was fearful. Jesus tells him, “Peter, it has passed. I know what is in your heart: your love for me. Once the Holy Spirit descends upon you, you will become strong beyond your imagination. Peace be with you. You will follow me.”

      I hope we see Jesus who rose from the dead. In fact, we should never forget that we can experience the risen Lord throughout the bible. We should be also mindful that we are all His disciples. It is through the resurrection of Jesus that we renew our creed. I pray that we profess our relationship with Jesus at the Eucharistic table: “It is the Lord.”

      The word Easter originated from the word, east. True meaning of Easter can be found in Paschal Mystery. Although the term ‘paschal’ is derived from the word ‘pasch’, which coincides with Passover, Paschal Mystery is not simply Passover, but a moment of rebirth: from death to life, and from darkness to light. Today is the beginning of the celebration of rebirth, a true celebration.

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