Home Notice 3월 22일(주일) 시카고 교구 메세지

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      3 22(주일) 시카고 교구 메세지


      1. 주교좌 성당 주일미사가https://radiotv.archchicago.org/television/broadcast-masses  통해서 영어, 폴란드어, 스페인어로 방영됩니다. 또한모든 미사를 YouTube.com/catholicchicago  시카고 교구 페이스북 페이지에서 청취하실  있습니다.

      3 22(주일) 오전 9:30ABC7 Chicago  통해서 방영되는 수피취 추기경님의 주일미사에 함께하시기 바랍니다. 신앙의 공동체로서 거룩한 미사의 은총에 일치하기에 중요한 길인 이기회들을 가족과 친구들과 함께 나누시기 바랍니다.


      As a reminder, Sunday Mass from Holy Name Cathedral is available in English, Polish and Spanish via https://radiotv.archchicago.org/television/broadcast-massesAll Masses are also available at YouTube.com/catholicchicago and on the Archdiocese of Chicago Facebook page.

      Join Cardinal Cupich for Mass this Sunday, March 22 online, which will also be broadcast by ABC7 Chicago at 9:30 a.m.

      Please share these opportunities with family and friends as an important way to stay united, as a community of faith, to the grace of Holy Mass.


      2.미사중단으로 인해 봉헌금 수입에 막대한 손실이 이어짐에 따라, 우리의 모든 사목과 운영이 커다란 위기에 놓이고 있습니다. 본당 공동체는 신자분들의정기적인 주일 봉헌금과 교무금에 의지합니다.

      시카고교구 웹사이트에 온라인 봉헌이 새로 개설되어http://www.archchicago.org/offertory  들어가시면, 한달치 봉헌금을 정하시고, 금액난 바로 밑에 매달 반복되길 원하시면 박스안의 체크를 그대로 두시고, 반복을 원하지 않으시면 박스안의 체크를 누르시면 없어집니다. 본당선택난에서 화살표를 눌러 St. Paul Chong Ha Sang Korean Catholic Mission 찾으시면 됩니다. 

      Cancellation of Mass is leading to significant losses in our offertory income, which is placing all our ministries and operations at significant risk.  Many people in our parish and community depend upon your regular, weekly offertory contributions and, during this current challenge, they are needed more than ever.

      This message speaks about the new online giving option via the Archdiocesan web site.  The link to provide a gift to your parish offertory utilizing the on line giving Archdiocesan site is http://www.archchicago.org/offertory.

      After clicking on the link, the parishioner will be on the Archdiocesan online giving page.  Once on the page, the parishioner can select your parish via a drop-down menu and provide a gift.   They will add their contact information, chose to offer a gift via credit card or checking account, and hit submit. 

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